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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

6 Tools to Optimize your Product Promotion

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This is a recopilation of online tools that will help you optimize the time you spend promoting your teaching products, so you can have more time to make more products.

1. Pin4Ever

Pin4Ever is a set of power tools for Pinterest that help you quickly protect, organize, create, and upload your pins. Includes different features deppending on the plan you have, but my favorites are:

Bulk Image Uploading
Pin multiple images from your local drive or images from the web, including  Facebook,  Instagram, Pinterest, and other sites, with an optional time delay between pins.
Update Pin Descriptions/Links
Update descriptions and/or source links on multiple pins simultaneously.
Pin Anything Tool
Pin pages that don't have any pinnable images by taking a screen shot of any part of the page.
Top Pins Board
See your most popular pins (most repinned and liked) on this automatically generated board.

2. Canva

Great tool to make covers and Social Media Images

3. Trello

It's like Pinterest but to manage your own project. I love it!

4. Dropbox and Google Drive for storage

5. TweetDeck and Hootsuite allow you manage several Twitter and Facebook accounts from one dashboard

6. Photobucket and Imageshack for hosting your images when you need to have the URL.

If you know any other tools feel free to share them on the comments so I can make this list bigger.

1 comment:

  1. I use Dropbox, Google Drive and Tweetdeck. I'll be trying the other tools as well.


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